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Silvina Moschini and the ideal path to undertake in 2023

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If you are thinking of starting your own business, Silvina Moschini, the first Latin American woman to found a company valued at more than a billion dollars, gives us the formula to achieve it.

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If you are thinking of starting your own business, Silvina Moschini , the first Latin American woman to found a company valued at more than a billion dollars , gives us the formula to achieve it.

"I realized when I was in a company and I didn't like how things were done ," the Argentine entrepreneur confessed to E! reason that prompted her to build a place where her ideas were valued and the voices of women could be heard.

The businesswoman assured that her path was not linear and she faced various challenges, but with negotiation skills and emotional intelligence she was able to empower herself. Likewise, she recommended to future entrepreneurs not to defeat themselves before starting : (you must) "apply emotional intelligence so that your weaknesses become your best strength."

silvina moschini

And he suggested the ideal career to study to have a broader business outlook and learn about market trends, thinking big: "I think studying Communication gives us super powers because it gives us the ability to look holistically at everything what is happening and what is going to happen".

Finally , Silvina provided us with the elements to create a socially responsible company that succeeds in all aspects.

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